火圍新發明傳道中,火圍四周皆有快餐食, 又話金皆劈面有, 咁我咪搵左一陣,隻得兩間, 菜又少, So I start to looking for any other place have , I don't beliver just only 金皆劈面有, than I walking and walking, ....忽然睹到一間門裏渾淨, 裏忡很多多少挑選加,咁咪即去choice啦! I choose a 廣西菜, than go up and enjoy my 廣西菜, 一開, 嘩本來係新穎出爐年夜飽陪多汁飽魚,我食年夜飽,細佬食飽魚.年夜傢食得好Happy
食左以後, 有即換枱佈, 餐毛巾皆好明淨:th_up:, 以後走前更睹到更多, 係更多各省菜式,正正正,至浏覽佢齊新拆建,自力toilet,and, all of them are my cup of tea, will go there very soon 我是個湊數的。。。 支持new161 幫你頂下哈!!