dayy2023 發表於 2023-1-20 19:30:00


                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yesterday I started to took a look the tone girl of the web site of KH. I quickly decide the tone girl no.*! becase I saw she is pretty and have good finger. In pm, I go there quickly due to I didn't had a lot of time to stay there and I need to come back to HK early.When I went to the room and saw the tone girl first time, I really know why so many ching said the photo in web site not the real picture to that person. I think only have 20% near to the picture in web site. And for the service, only give the mark of average, I really need to see the real person before I make the appointment to the tone girl next time.
Service 5/10
body5/10 (in web site is C cup, but i think real is only A or near to B)

光荣与梦想483 發表於 2023-12-22 20:25:50

真是 收益 匪淺

术数古籍专卖疤 發表於 2024-1-24 04:40:39

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