KF experience, 空手道 (28/7)
KF experience, 白手講 (28/7)各C-Hings好 (腳寫板出的陳述for share, don't waste your $till 24/8):
約28/7 Thur 5pm過閉, 無call 車, 去拆天鐵, wow 過百人正在列隊過機安儉(依個跟依個), OMG.
So 决定止已往K Fu….到那裡已齊身 幹哂...
冲身到年夜堂睹 PC Monitor off>悶 . 去toilet 睹一女脫紅色sport track suit心念難道改守舊造服,心中涼瞭半截…
後找廖仔問, 本來年夜運時期, 制止蒙受到推人啓場, today urgent meeting後, 最下boss 指令,
壹切港字派塲所均於28/7 3pm 起 改為無油的白手正宗推拿, 我問咁点攪ah, 咁失望. asked 若即走点charge, 淨沖RMB38 or 正宗按摩=本價(心念WTF) “
無奶油”山少火近去淨沖走, 唯尾一試KF~正宗 on more.
BG no. single digit, she said, today K on was check 3 time in afternoon already, sport wear just start wear from today 3pm, many BG don’t know yet, no one will take risk to do XX, because will affect the entire sauna = CLOSE by K on.
(thanks much for the above photo borrow for other C-Hings post)
Within the on more period, the white lamp having 20 minute was lighted up; and some one open the door without knock the door ( open a slim door gap to see us what is doing)
she additional mentioned even she went to D, the K on checking every 15 minute. today in KF from 1-6 pm. They was come to check 4 time already.
(over all her on more skills not good as the HK USF, paid RMB188 with shown 88 card, call car back to HK at once to off the fire)
Chings before go to SZ or DG CP …etc. 要故意理準備, need to paid orginal price but without the normal service, like KF no staff mentioned what happen till I ask the manager)
GOOD LUCK TO ALL, don't take the risk,
留得青山正在 那怕無油推
thanks to read my long word
(hoping 23/8 will back to normal)
[ 本帖最初由 bdjjoli 於 2011-7-29 14:37 編纂 ] 幫你頂下哈!! :lol不錯